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Completion requirements
Opened: Friday, 7 June 2024, 3:31 PM

Be part of this programme. Provide information about your school here.

What is the purpose of the activity?

Heat-Cool is a climate change education project for children which blends cutting-edge research with playful learning to tackle climate challenges in a novel manner. It is being delivered through an e-learning platform for primary and secondary schools, aiming to enhance climate change literacy in students through engaging activities. Combining quizzes and thermal imaging, the initiative simplifies complex scientific concepts, helping students grasp environmental issues. Through quizzes and practical sessions, students gain preliminary knowledge of climate change, understand energy dynamics, and explore global warming's effects, fostering STEM interest. Teachers and students benefit from an improved understanding of climate change, while activity results are shared with teachers to assess learning impact.

Your Role and Contribution

Your involvement is crucial in empowering the next generation of climate-conscious leaders. Here is how you can contribute to the Heat-Cool programme:

  • Register your school: Gain access to a wealth of engaging resources, quizzes, and practical sessions on the e-learning platform.
  • Book a session: Schedule interactive and insightful practical sessions for your students, exploring the world of thermodynamics through thermal imaging.
  • Spread the word: Share Heat-Cool with fellow educators, parents, and climate enthusiasts to amplify our collective impact on climate education.
  • Support our cause: Consider supporting Heat-Cool with contributions or sponsorships to help us expand our reach and empower more young minds with essential climate knowledge.

Do I have to take part?

Your participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time without repercussions. If you choose to participate, you can download this information sheet and confirm your consent. You can stop the registration process at any time before submission, and you can withdraw your personal data by contacting the project team. Withdrawal will not have any consequences, and we will retain school-related information for project continuity.

What will happen to me if I take part?

Upon completing this form, you will receive a confirmation email outlining your participation and the dates of the practical activity. Subsequently, you will proceed through several platform steps: application, providing pre-intervention quizzes to students, educating students about climate change, conducting practical activities with thermal imaging devices, administering post-intervention quizzes, uploading all information including quiz results and media, and distributing Heat-Cool certificates to students. Your students will use handheld thermal imaging cameras to delve into the fascinating world of thermodynamics, creating visually rich representations of heat and temperature. All the materials including thermal cameras will be provided by Heat-Cool.

What if something goes wrong?

While there are no special compensation arrangements for harm incurred during this research, negligence-related harm may warrant legal action. If you have concerns or wish to file a complaint, please contact the project team at

What will happen to the results of the research study?

Study results will be analysed and summarised in academic papers publicly accessible on the GCARE website. Data collected from the activities will be utilised by the GCARE team for research and dissemination purposes. Your participation will remain anonymous, ensuring that your involvement cannot be identified in any project outputs.

Who is organising and funding the research?

Initial funding for this project was granted by the Ove Arup Foundation and our previous Heat-Cool project.

Registration Process

Complete this short registration form to enrol with the Heat-Cool platform and participate in Heat-Cool activities at your school.

Data Collection

By participating in this activity, you agree to share the obtained information with us, including quiz results, student-taken thermal images, student feedback, activity quotes, and pictures, authorising their use for research and dissemination purposes. We will collect necessary information for enrolment, including your name, email, role at the school, and school details.

Contact for Further Information

For information regarding activity risks, liabilities, about how we use your information and data usage, please contact If you would like any further information about this project, please contact the project team using